BRI Partners announced that it has launched the next generation of hedge fund indexes beginning with the BRI Long/Short Equity Index (BRILSE), calculated by Wilshire Associates, the first in a family of investable indexes that delivers the beta of hedge fund strategies. BRI Partners has developed eight indexes that will be rolled out over the coming months.
Unlike existing hedge fund indexes, the BRI Indexes do not measure the performance of hedge fund managers and, therefore, do not rely on managers to provide a snapshot of month-end results. Decades of economic and academic research are the foundation for each BRI Index, which are built from the risk factors used by hedge funds while avoiding the discretionary, behavioral and business risk of active funds.
Uniquely, each BRI index:
- Provides efficient exposure to the same risk/return profile of hedge fund strategies
- Does not require hedge fund managers to provide their monthly performance
- Serves as a true beta benchmark for performance of actively managed funds
- Assists investors and managers to identify and demystify alpha in active managers